Site Audit analyzes a Drupal installation against a preset list of recommended settings and parameters, reporting about problematic areas.
Besides the Drush CLI, Site Audit can also generate an HTML report as well, for sharing with other admins online.
Login the Drupal administration panel.
Go to Modules section.
Upload the module or copy&paste the module download URL.
Find and activate the module after installation in the modules list.
What is new in this release:
- Initial release of Drupal 8 version of Site Audit, built as part of the Google Summer of Code 2015.
What is new in version 7.x-1.15 / 8.x-2.x-dev:
- Restructured Checks to move list of checks logic into command definitions to allow hook_drush_command_alter to add checks.
- Allow bootstrap styling on any HTML formatted report, not just audit_all.
- Restructured audit_all to move list of Reports to command so hook_drush_command_alter can add reports.
- Laying groundwork to allow other modules to add custom reports and checks.
- Provide a mechanism for third-party modules to specify location of custom Checks and Reports; allow checks to be added to existing reports.
What is new in version 7.x-1.13 / 8.x-2.x-dev:
- Restructured Checks to move list of checks logic into command definitions to allow hook_drush_command_alter to add checks.
- Allow bootstrap styling on any HTML formatted report, not just audit_all.
- Restructured audit_all to move list of Reports to command so hook_drush_command_alter can add reports.
- Laying groundwork to allow other modules to add custom reports and checks.
- Provide a mechanism for third-party modules to specify location of custom Checks and Reports; allow checks to be added to existing reports.
What is new in version 7.x-1.8:
- New features:
- Added best practice check for PHP Filter module.
- Added support for views_cache_bully to avoid false positives in Views caching checks.
- Added support for Drush 7.x to database checks.
- Fixes:
- Eliminated PHP notice in public file size calculation.
- Allow alternate locations of public file folder
- Respect custom times for Views output, result caching checks
- Avoid false positives on Views Cache Output, Results checks for views with only master display. Also fixed display lifespan checking.
What is new in version 7.x-1.7:
- Added:
- Content report: Content Type and Vocabulary checks
- Include check scores in JSON reports.
- Added check for specific versions with known compatibility issues. Does not replace need for extension update check.
- Fixed:
- Relative links in Drupal status report
- Do not report development modules that are dependencies of other modules, such as field_ui in Drupal Commerce.
- Adjusted backup_migrate Pantheon check to be aware of installation modules, environment.
- Avoid false positives of duplicate extensions contained across multiple installation profiles that contain copies of the same extension.
- Updated:
- Do not show table of devel modules in dev environments on Pantheon.
- Clarified field_ui and views_ui development recommendations.
- Minor tweak to development extension check HTML report to consolidate if table is not shown.
- Consolidated dev, unrecommended HTML report.
- Show uncached views in Pantheon dev environment as info. Also unified dev environment checks to single unified function.
- Block caching off is now info in dev environments.
What is new in version 7.x-1.6:
- Improved block caching checks
- Extensions check is now Pantheon environment aware
- Extension language clarifications
- JSON support can now be combined with HTML
- Tags are stripped from System Status titles
- Individual checks can be skipped
- Individual checks can be opted-out in $conf
- Improved alternate cron checks
- Improved installation instructions
- Collation check now actionable, HTML friendly, checks for UTF-8 family
- Avoids false-positive multi-site detection with subversion
- Fixed duplicate extension check label
What is new in version 7.x-1.4:
- Added Storage Engine check for InnoDB.
- Added user report, checks.
- Added support for Drupal managed files.
- Added Drupal's built-in status report.
What is new in version 7.x-1.2:
- New Features:
- Reports can be published as gists on GitHub
- HTML reports use Twitter Bootstrap markup
- audit_all report can generate full page, including inline bootstrap CSS
- Using str_repeat for Drush indentation (easier to maintain)
- Show extension version in duplicate report
- Google PageSpeed Insight check now overrides report percentage
- Replaced --verbose with --detail to avoid conflicts with other debugging
- Added audit_all command to execute all reports
- Bug Fixes:
- Gracefully deal with no Views displays
- File size rounding works
- Standardized Google Insights report
- Cleaned Duplicate extension report
- Drupal 7.x/8.x
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