
Flask-Admin 1.3.0 מעודכן

Flask is a micro-framework for Python based on Werkzeug and Jinja 2. Flask-Admin was inspired by Django's recently released admin module that allows developers to manage framework data, behavior and architecture via a visual interface. Flask-Admin...


AdRotate 3.12 מעודכן

If ever considering a way to monetize your online activity, AdRotate is a tool to look into if your website management platform of choice is WordPress. The plugin provides a rich set of features to help webmasters easily manage, organize and embed ads in...

jQuery Browser

jQuery Browser 0.0.8 מעודכן

Since jQuery's native browser detection system was removed from its core in v1.9.1, this plugin is a simple implementation of that same codebase, but as a plugin. This will allow interested developers to have access to those features, while keeping...


stickyfloat 8.8 מעודכן

stickyfloat (also known as 'Sticky floating box') will force selected elements or page section to stick to the viewport and float above the rest of the page when scrolling up or down.This keeps the element always into the user's view and is great for...


Micropress 0.2.15 מעודכן

Micropress allows users to setup a basic blog that doesn't need a huge and complicated core to render out a few articles in a timeline-based layout.This lightweight script works from the Python CLI and allows developers to setup a simple blog engine that...