
צילום מסך תוכנה:
פרטי תוכנה:
גרסה: 1.1.3 מעודכן
טען תאריך: 10 Dec 15
מפתחים: Airbnb, Inc.
רשיון: ללא תשלום
פופולריות: 68

Rating: 2.0/5 (Total Votes: 1)

Backbone.js is a JavaScript library adding MVC principles to JavaScript.

By default, Backbone runs in the browsers.

Render will allow developers to deploy Backbone.js apps on the server as well.

This enables more feature rich apps to be built, while also keeping the code line count down, without bloating the application with duplicate code, for the client and server environments.

What is new in this release:

  • Fixes / Updates to make Rendr work with require.js
  • Added ability to pass in template adapter instance

What is new in version 1.1.0:

  • Fixes / Updates to make Rendr work with require.js
  • Added ability to pass in template adapter instance

What is new in version 1.0.4:

  • Fixes / Updates to make Rendr work with require.js
  • Added ability to pass in template adapter instance

What is new in version 1.0.3:

  • Fixes / Updates to make Rendr work with require.js
  • Added ability to pass in template adapter instance

What is new in version 0.5.0:

  • Added viewing property to BaseView for better introspection of current view state.
  • Fix bug where collection params weren't properly passed to collections upon view hydration.
  • Attach req to App instance on the server-side.
  • Don't intercept clicked links if 'shift' or 'meta' keys pressed.
  • Make it easier to use custom AppView class.
  • Add support for RegExp routes.
  • Switched default CommonJS packaging to Browserify from Stitch.
  • Added examples/ dir, deprecating separate rendr-app-template project.

What is new in version 0.4.4:

  • In BaseView::getAttributes(), call toString() on, for better support of Mongoose.
  • In BaseView::getAttributes(), support custom this.model.idAttribute.
  • Remove reference to global.isServer in BaseView; easier to standalone test.

What is new in version 0.3.2:

  • Ensuring that ModelStore passes app to models when instantiating them.

What is new in version 0.2.2:

  • Fixed bug where status code of CRUD errors were not properly passed down from syncer.

What is new in version 0.1.1:

  • ClientRouter params include querystring params, just like ServerRouter.

תוכנה דומה


25 May 16


19 Jul 15


13 Apr 15


13 May 15

תוכנות אחרות של יזם Airbnb, Inc.


4 Jun 15

תגובות ל Rendr

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