News Script PHP can be used to add a simple blog-like news management solution to any website or application.
The news publishing engine was written in PHP and stores articles in a MySQL database.
News Script PHP can work on its own, but it can also be embedded in remote locations via iframe tags or PHP include calls.
Another useful feature is its RSS support, generating a W3C compliant RSS feed and automatically adding all new stories to it after they have been saved.
And to make news writing much more easier, a password protected administration panel is included with News Script PHP, complete with a WYSIWYG editor.
All what's left for editors and admins is to write the articles now.
A version with more features is also available. Check out News Script PHP Pro.
- Assisted installation process
- Administration backend
- Easy news management
- WYSIWYG editing
- Embeddable in third-party sites
- RSS syndication
- Different frontend news page layouts
- Style editor for the frontend
- Localize the interface to any language
- Support for featured images with news stories
- Image captions
- News searching system
- Simple news pagination
- News views counter
- PHP 4.3 or higher
- MySQL 3 or higher
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