Telescope was inspired and modeled after services like HackerNews, Digg, Reddit, or SlashDot.
The entire news aggregator was built on top of Meteor, a powerful JavaScript framework for building mobile and desktop applications.
Just like the aforementioned services, Telescope works the same, requiring users to register before they can submit any stories or vote on existing ones.
What is new in this release:
- Made approvePost and unapprovePost methods take postId instead of post as argument and fixed approve/unapprove bug.
- Now sorting email newsletter posts by baseScore (time-independent), not score.
What is new in version 0.20.6:
- Changed how email template customization works.
- Ensure email uniqueness and keep it in sync.
- Improve profile completion screen validation & errors.
- Generate public user properties list from schema.
- Fixed video lightbox issue.
- Updated Getting Started content.
- Enforcing better URL formatting for Site URL setting.
- Fixed notification settings.
- Reworked user settings.
What is new in version 0.15.1:
- Settings now have their own `telescope-settings` package.
- Swedish translation.
- Various fixes.
- Added `telescope-pages` module for managing static pages.
What is new in version 0.14.2:
- Adeed Grid Layout option.
- Added `threadModules` zone.
- Added `upvoteCallbacks` and `downvoteCallbacks` callback arrays.
- Added `postApproveCallbacks` callback array.
- Added notifications for pending and approved posts, for admins and end users.
- Added newsletter time setting.
- Fixed "post awaiting moderation" message bug.
- Can now subscribe to comment threads.
- Renaming "digest" view to "singleday".
- Make sure only valid properties can be added to posts and comments.
- Change "sign up" to "register".
- Cleaned up vote click handling functions and added tests.
What is new in version 0.13.0:
- Tweaked comments layout in Hubbble theme.
- Added Bulgarian translation.
- Cleaned up permission functions.
- Various fixes.
- Stopped synced-cron message logging.
- Limit all posts lists to 200 posts.
- Refactored posts lists to use the template-level subscription pattern when appropriate.
- Refactored `single day` and `daily` packages.
- Footer field now accepts Markdown instead of HTML.
- Feeds can now be assigned to a user.
- Various CSS tweaks.
- Fixing newsletter issue.
- Post rank now has its own module.
- Changed how field label i18n works.
What is new in version 0.12.0:
- Added "Enable Newsletter" setting. Note: existing newsletters must be re-enabled.
- Added "Enable Feeds" settings. Note: existing feeds must be re-enabled.
- Now showing release notes for latest version right inside the app.
- Added dummy posts, users, and comments.
- Added new Events collection for keeping track of important events.
- Log first run event.
- `MAIL_URL` environment variable can now be set from Settings.
- Renamed `viewNav` to `viewsMenu`.
- Renamed `adminNav` to `adminMenu`.
- Improvements to the Post by Feed package.
- Added tests for nav bar.
- New and improved documentation.
What is new in version 0.11.1:
- Post submit and edit forms now submit to their respective methods directly.
- Removed `postSubmitRenderedCallbacks` and `postEditRenderedCallbacks`.
- `telescope-post-by-feed` package now lets you import posts from RSS feeds.
- Adding limit of 200 posts to post list request.
- Refactoring post and comment submit to fix latency compensation issues.
- Tags package now using Autoform.
What is new in version 0.11.0:
- Added new userCreatedCallbacks callback hook.
- Added new setting to subscribe new user to mailing list automatically.
- Added new debug setting.
- siteUrl setting now affects Meteor.absoluteUrl().
- Added new clog function that only logs if debug setting is true.
- Simplified post module system, modules are not split in three zones anymore.
- Added new postThumbnail hook to show Embedly thumbnail.
- Simplified Hubble theme CSS for both desktop and mobile.
- Many CSS tweaks for Hubble mobile.
- Show author and commenters avatars on post item.
- Adding description to post list pages and showing them in menus.
- Improved Russian translation.
- Now using editorconfig.
- Upgraded to useraccounts:unstyled@1.4.0.
What is new in version 0.10.0:
- Renaming Errors to Messages.
- Adding `fast-render`.
- Extracted digest into its own package.
- Adding "scheduled" view that shows upcoming scheduled posts.
- Bringing back "delete post" link that was removed by mistake.
- Made user profile display page modular.
- Made user profile edit page modular.
- Started extracting invites into their own package.
What is new in version 0.9.11:
- Now using Autoform's quickform feature to generate post submit and edit forms.
- Now using fourseven:scss to directly compile SCSS files.
- Renamed post method to submitPost.
- Post editing now happens via a postEdit method.
- Categories are now normalized (only the _id is stored on the post object, not the whole category object).
- Refactored Embedly package; now fills in description as well.
- Thumbnail height and width are now customizable in settings panel.
- Settings and Post forms now i18n'ized.
What is new in version 0.9.10:
- Now using tap:i18n for internationalization.
- Each package is now i18n'd individually.
- Chinese i18n code is now zh-CN, not zh.
- Upgrade Avatar package.
- Various fixes.
What is new in version 0.9.9:
- Updating to Meteor 1.0.
- Updating to Iron Router 1.0.
- Adding view counter.
- Splitting out router.js in multiple files.
- URL can now be removed when editing a post.
- Now waiting on allUsersAdmin subscription for post submit page.
- Putting server-side routes for email template tests in their own respective packages.
What is new in version 0.9.7:
- Improving RSS feed.
- Fixed redirection issues on sign-up.
- Fixed bug on Twitter sign-in.
- Splitting up the settings form into sub-sections.
- Adding help text to settings form.
- Fixing problem with daily view theming.
- Improving avatar stuff.
- Updating to Meteor 0.9.3.
What is new in version 0.9.6:
- Fixed security hole in user update.
- Kadira is now included by default.
What is new in version 0.9.5:
- Fixed `/settings` bug.
- Code cleanup.
- Fixed upvote/downvote concurrency bug.
- Renamed `SubmitServerCallbacks` to `SubmitMethodCallbacks` for posts and comments.
- Added `AfterSubmitMethodCallbacks` for posts and comments.
- Made notifications into their own `telescope-notifications` package.
- `telescope-update-prompt` package now sends user, post, and comment count when phoning home.
What is new in version 0.9.4:
- Removed unneeded allow insert on Posts and Comments.
- Renaming `postMeta` template to `postInfo` to avoid ambiguity.
- Fixing avatar code.
- Adding update prompt package.
- Upgrading to Meteor 0.9.2.
- Do not remove deleted comments from database, use `isDeleted` flag instead.
What is new in version 0.9.3:
- Show user comments on user profile page.
- Moved votes to their own `user.votes` object.
- Added daily view.
- Default root view is now customizable.
- Updated app to 0.9.0.
- Updated all packages to be 0.9.0-compatible.
- Fixed XSS bug (CVE ID: CVE-2014-5144) by sanitizing user input server-side.
- Now storing both markdown and HTML versions of content.
What is new in version
- Added new invite features.
- Added new `themeSettings` object for storing theme-level settings.
- Changed `navItems` to `primaryNav` and added `secondaryNav`.
What is new in version 0.9.2:
- Added routes to preview email templates.
- Added deleteNotifications migration to delete all existing notifications.
- Added heroModules and footerModules hooks.
- Added telescope-newsletter package.
- Now using templates for on-site notifications too.
- Use handlebars-server for all email templates.
- Refactored email system to use global HTML email wrapper.
- Changed how notifications are stored in db.
What is new in version
- Added `lastCommentedAt` property to posts.
- Added hooks to `post_edit` and `post_submit`'s `rendered` callback.
- Embedly module now supports video embedding in a lightbox.
- Updated to Meteor 0.8.3.
- Updated packages.
What is new in version 0.9.1:
- Using Arunoda's Subscription Manager.
What is new in version 0.8.3:
- Refactored the way dating and timestamping works with pending/approved posts.
- Cleaned up unused/old third-party code.
- Migrated "submitted" property to "postedAt".
- Added a "postedAt" property to comments.
What is new in version 0.8.2:
- Improved migrations with timestamps and number of rows affected.
- Created `telescope-lib` and `telescope-base` pacakge.
- Pulled out search into its own `telescope-search` package.
- Made menu and views modular.
- Using SimpleSchema and Collection2 for models.
What is new in version 0.8.1:
- Extracted part of the tags feature into its own package.
- Made subscription preloader more flexible.
- Made navigation menu dynamic.
What is new in version 0.8:
- Updated for Meteor compatibility.
- Using Collection2/SimpleSchema/Autoforms for Settings form.
What is new in version 0.7.4:
- Added basic internationalization.
What is new in version 0.7.2:
- Added basic search.
What is new in version 0.7.1:
- Added karma redistribution.
- Improved user dashboard.
- Improved user profiles.
What is new in version 0.7:
- Switched to IronRouter.
- Added new invite system.
- Made nested comments optional.
- Reworked notifications settings.
- Stopped publishing all users.
- Added URL slugs for user profiles.
- Using nProgress to show loading.
- Paginating users dashboard.
What is new in version 0.6.2:
- Fixed bug where anybody could delete any comment.
- Added option to add new users to a MailChimp list.
What is new in version 0.6.1:
- Added Bitly integration
- Fixed Twitter avatars
- Refactoring allow/deny code
- Added click tracking on links
- Refactoring RSS and API code to use server-side routing
What is new in version 0.6:
- Added categories.
- Cleaned up file structure.
What is new in version 0.5.6:
- Added simple JSON API showing the 100 last posts.
What is new in version 0.5.5:
- Added Google Analytics pageview tracking.
- Added RSS feed for /new.
What is new in version 0.5.4:
- Added email notifications for approved users.
- Added delete users link.
What is new in version 0.5.3:
- Added basic color customization.
- Fixed Flush bug.
What is new in version 0.5.2:
- Added notifications of new comments and new replies for all users (along with unsubcribe link) and notifications of new posts for admin users.
- Still in beta stage of development.
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