פרטי תוכנה:
גרסה: 6.3.0 מעודכן
טען תאריך: 10 Dec 15
רשיון: ללא תשלום
פופולריות: 233
Drools is actually made up of several other projects like Guvnor (Business Rules Manager), Expert (rule engine), 5jBPM 5 (process/workflow), Fusion (event processing/temporal reasoning) and Planner (automated planning).
- Engine features:
- Full Rete Implementation -with high performance indexing
- Dynamic RuleBases
- Stateful and Stateless Execution Modes
- Async operations
- Rete and Sequential Rete
- Rule Agent
- Optional Data Shadowing
- Pluggeable Dialects
- Propositional Logic features:
- Literal Restriction
- Variable Restriction
- Return Value Restriction
- Jointed and dis-jointed Connectives allowed '&&' '||'
- inline-Eval
- First Order Logic (Quantifiers) features:
- And
- Or
- Exists
- Not
- Accumulate
- Collect
- From
- Forall
- Nesting of any CE inside of 'and' and 'or'
- Support for both infix and prefix 'and'/'or' CEs
- Nesting and Chaining of 'from', 'accumulate', 'collect'
- Execution Control features:
- Conflict Resolution (salience) Now pluggeable
- Agenda Filters
- Agenda Groups
- Activation Groups
- Rule Flow
- Attributes (no-loop, lock-on-active)
- Temporal Rules
- Scheduler for rule duration will fire when a rule is true for X duration
- Truth maintenance with Logical Insertions
- Event Model features:
- Working Memory, Agenda and Rule Flow
- Configurable
- All Rete optimizations and execution behavior can be configured
- Authoring
- Technical rules: DRL and XML formats supported
- Template based DSLs
- Guided Editor
- BRMS and Eclipse
- Decision Tables (Excel, Open Office)
- BRMS (Knowledge Asset Management System)
- Authoring and Storage DRLs, RuleFlows, Decision Tables, Business Rules (Guided Editor)
- Multi level Versioning, at both the rule and package level
- Classification
- Deployment
- Built on Standards and Open APIs JCR (JSR 170) Dublin Core, GWT
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